Reader Q&A with The Unseelie King himself…Valroy!

I’ve started a fun feature in my newsletter where you get to ask one of my villains anything and “they” will respond (eventually.)

If you’d like to submit your own question, SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER!

(Do try to keep it a little tasteful. I reserve the right to not answer any.)

Also: keep in mind none of this is good advice. I am not responsible for whatever happens if you actually listen to these idiots.

Your Questions & Answers from The Unseelie King

From: Bear

How to care less about what people think of you and stop pleasing other people at the expense of yourself?

Well, “Bear,” the answer is quite easy—simply stop.

When all falls apart and no one is left to stand beside you, the only soul you will have left upon which you can rely is yourself.

If you spend your precious energy catering to those who surround you, you are effectively, in the end, harming your only true ally in this world or the next. —V

From: Emily

What’s your favorite torture method?

Must I really choose?

Very well.

There is an old method of bringing great agony that involves taking splinters of wood and hammering them beneath the fingernails of the victims.

I have never heard a grown man scream quite like it.

And it has the added benefit of leaving the victim intact should you see fit. —V

From: Luna

What is your opinion on the only soda made by an actual chemist the one and only Dr Pepper?

By being a tree does that mean you always have morning wood?

Dear Luna: Are you quite all right in the mind?

From: Anonymous

Does your mommy issues come with matching daddy issues?

First of all, I do not have “mommy issues.” I despise her and everything she has wrought upon me. Those are not “issues,” that is simply “hatred.”

As for my father? 

He is—as you can imagine as one would naturally be, being the archdemon of lust—quite prolific in his ability to spawn children. Both by benefit of his age and his…proclivities, I am hardly unique in that I can attest to him one part of my bloodline. (That said, I am certain that I am easily the most handsome, powerful, and successful of his ilk.)

Truth be told, we have met on several occasions, when I have had reason to visit Earth. We met at a “café” the last time. I quite like him, if I am to be honest.

The espresso, however, I could live without. —V

That's it for now.

I’m sure we’ll come around to Valroy again, so go ahead and submit your questions if you have them!